# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ———————— 申明字符编码集
注释:当行 — #
多行 — “”” “”” 或者 ‘’’ ‘’’ (在python中单引号双引号没有区别)
1、 输出
print ("hello word !")
2、 变量
定义编码:name = "hui"
使用编码:print ("name is",name) (变量之间逗号隔开)
3、 用户输入
输入格式:username = input(“username:”)
转换输入数据类型:age=int( input(“password:”) )
import getpass #引用密码包
password = getpass.getpass("password:")
列:name = input("name:")
age = input("age:")
sex = input("sex:") height = input("height:")# 方式1:(字符串拼接用 +)--建议不使用
msg = '''------- msg of ''' + name + ''' -------
name:''' + name +''' age:''' + age + ''' sex:''' + sex + ''' height:''' + heightprint (msg)
方式2:占位符 %s (s——string简写)--不推荐
msg = '''------- msg of %s -------
name:%s age:%s sex:%s height:%s '''%(name,name,age,sex,height)print (msg)
msg = '''------- msg of {0} -------
name:{0} age:{1} sex:{2} height:{3} '''.format(name,age,sex,height)
print (msg)
msg = '''------- msg of {name_1} ------- name:{name_1} age:{age_1} sex:{sex_1} height:{height_1} '''.format(name_1=name, age_1=age, sex_1=sex, height_1=height) print (msg)
4、 if else 流程判 username_a = 'qaz'
password_a = '123' username = input("username:") password = input("password:") if username == username_a and password == password_a: print("Welcome user {name} login...".format(name=username)) else: print("Invalid username or password!")
5、 while 循环
username_a = 'qaz'password_a = '123'entry_count=0while entry_count<3: username = input("username:") password = input("password:") if username == username_a and password == password_a: print("Welcome user {name} login...".format(name=username)) break else: print("Invalid username or password! Please Try Again") entry_count +=1else: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off")
6、 for 循环
for i in range (0,10,1):
print('----------', i) for j in range(10): if j > 5: break else: print(j)